Tone Freak Abunai X Overdrive Pedal
Tone Freak Abunai X Overdrive Pedal
Abunai X™ comes from a different direction than the classic overdrive guitar circuit from which the Abunai 2™ originated. The Abunai X™ is not a "new and improved" Abunai 2™... it stands entirely on it's own. The Abunai X™ has a reworked tone section, grittier gain, different Op Amp, and a 3-Way clipping section that includes a MOSFET for extra beef when driving your amp.
For those who want to inject some aggression into your clean amp or juice an already overdriven tone, the Abunai X™ has plenty of gain that won't flub-out when you hit the low notes. With 3 clipping sections to choose from, you'll find it hard to select a favorite. This versatile guitar effects box will work with a variety of different amp types from classic British to American tones.
As with all of Tone Freak's products, the Abunai X™ is built to withstand the rigors of the gigging and touring musicians.
Drive: Increase the gain by turning the knob clockwise. Turning the knob counter clockwise will decrease the gain.
Tone: Turing the knob clockwise will increase the high end tone. Counter clockwise will decrease the high end and increase the low end tone.
Level: To increase the output volume, turn the knob clockwise. By turning the Level control counter clockwise, you will decrease the output volume.
Power: 9V battery or a 2.1 mm center negative pin, AC-DC, 9V, 120VAC, 200 mA power adapter.
3-Way Mini-Toggle:
The ABUNAI X™ has 3 different clipping sections. • Right position uses symmetrical clipping and has the most “amp-like” characteristic of the clipping variations. This position has the most gain and compression compared to the other two positions. •Left position engages the MOSFET clipping. You will find this position to have a little lower output volume from the Right position, so adjust your Level control to compensate. MOSFET clipping produces a more “beefy” quality compared to the other two positions. • Middle position is also called the “diode lift” position. The Left and Right positions clip the signal, but the Middle position doesn’t,, so the resulting tone is more “open” than the other two positions. NOTE: The Middle position has the highest output volume, so be careful when engaging this position.